The top board


First, the sliders had been propped up temporarily by small guides


Slider abutment (closed and opened position)


Toe boards

Left to right : Positif - Flûte à chem. 8' C#, Flûte à chem. 8' C, Flûte 4' C#, Flûte 4' C, Larigot 1' 1/3 - G.O. - Bourdon 8' C#, Bourdon 8' C, Gambe 8' C#, Gambe 8' C, Doublette 2', Prestant 4'

The copy to point gimlets


The toe boards, sliders and top board are drilled at first simultaneously in 3 mm


Then they are drilled in the definitive diameter.
The bottom six holes for the flûte à cheminée 8' and Bourdon 8' are slots instead of holes.


The wood is burned to avoid the oxidation of the pipes


On one side: slot
Of other one: hole


Try of a slider.


Flûte à cheminée 8' pipe rack


Top board holes




Gasketing rings made of white liegelind

Sliders abutment


Tools to burn the pipe rack holes


The cone is warmed until it is red


Some ranks ...

Flûte 4'

Gambe 8'

Bourdon 8' G.O.


Next : The pallet boxes

